Well … This question in many cases means “to be or not to be”, meaning whether someone is going to lubricate the chain at all. I will share some of my experiences here.

There are several ways to lubricate the chain.

Lubricants are most often available in the form of a bottle with a dropper. Thus, the traditionally recommended lubrication method is to sprinkle the link after the link. This method ensures that the grease gets into every important place and we do not splash it around.

However, this is… hmm… it requires patience.

I don’t have much patience. Additionally, it was always a challenge for me to figure out if I had already sprinkled all the links. If the chain is clean, no grease can be seen when sprinkled. It was easier for me when I started using chains with a quick link, it meant the beginning and end of lubrication, previously I resorted to such “professional” methods, such as marking one place with a CD marker. Sic!

The less patient persons grease a moving chain, but then it splashes around, not to mention the fact that it is used up at a rate similar to fuel consumption in a Russian T34 tank.

Recently, we’ve heard more and more about waxes to lubricate the chain. An interesting method, but probably only for enthusiasts. It requires removing the chain, immersing it in melted wax, leaving it to drain, cooling and then “starting” each link. If someone is not convinced to chain lubrication, it is better not to start with this method, because they will only get discouraged.

We are left with various types of aerosol lubricants. Just remove the lid, point it towards the chain, press it and that’s it. There is only one snag. Grease goes not only to the chain, but also to the wheel, frame and other parts in the area. Poorly.

And that’s where my idea comes in.

The idea is simple. Take advantage of all the benefits of an aerosol lubricant, but lubricate the chain only. This idea led to the creation of the VisionVelo applicator.

We put it on the can with grease, then put the whole thing on the chain. We press and… that’s it. Only enough grease is exhaled for it to settle on the moving chain. The device is therefore very economical.

The complete procedure takes approx. 15 seconds. After that, all you have to do is leave the bike for a while for the solvent to evaporate and voila, it’s ready!

In the next post I will tell you a bit more about what is important in chain lubrication and how it influenced the design of my product.


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